Application Form

The application form for the registration of new varieties of crops, including the application, must specify the necessary information that is attached to the documents and plant specimens by date and place. Determined by the officer in charge of the list.

The applicant shall submit to the registrar the sample application form specified in Annex 1 of this Article and shall pay the service fee accordingly. Set.

The application must be as follows:

1. The application for registration of new varieties of crops shall be completed in accordance with the application form No. 1 P.D. as attached in Appendix 1 of this Prakas.

The application must confirm the name, address, nationality and address of each applicant and must be signed by each applicant.

3. In case the applicant is a new breeder of the crop, the application must be accompanied by a certificate of such power and in case The applicant is not a new breeder of the crop, the application must specify the name and address of the new breeder of each crop and attach Proof of applicant’s right to protection of new varieties of crops.

4. If the applicant is represented by the agent, the application must also confirm and state the name and address of that agent.

5. The title of the new crop variety must be short and clear.